This business case makes me very proud of working in J&J. J
The context
- In Africa, one out of every five children below the age of five dies from the effects of easily preventable diseases such as diarrhea.
- Mothers in Africa often have to travel long ways to find remedies for their children.
A Simple Idea
- Mobile phones and Coca-Cola were readily accessible in Africa
- JNJ use mobile phones to interact with consumers and use the Coca-Cola distribution chain to physically distribute the needed products.
- EMEA Janssen identified Colalife, a non-governmental organization (NGO) to work on distributing anti-diarrhea kits in Africa by fitting the products in-between Coca-Cola bottles.
- The pilot project has brought 20,000 kits to remote villages in Zambia
- “Product Design of the year 2013” Award from the British Design Museum.
What’s NEXT
- The goal is to expand this distribution model to other African countries and to use it for products like remedies for diabetes and HIV/AIDS
TED talk x JNJ